Honesty hurts...

I recently told my boyfriend I was in love with him..which is different to me than just loving someone. He said he loved me but wasnt in love with me at this point. I get it..I tend to fall faster than my partners. We haven't been together a super long time and I honestly had been prepared for that answer the best I could. I'm not mad about it, I am grown enough to appreciate his honesty especially about emotions as strong as love but fuck it still kind of hurt my heart..

Hes an amazing man, i truly love him. I think I am the more emotional one between us and wear my heart on my sleeve way too much. He tells me he loves me every day, he always makes sure that I am taken care of and that my voice is heard. I couldn't have asked for a better person to be with. He just needs time and I get it, I respect it. I know that falling IN love with someone isn't a quick process for everyone. It still just hurts a little. I didnt really have a question here, I just feel like I needed to get that off my chest.