Braxton Hicks!


Maddie • Married. Mommy to be. Expecting Zaxton Zane, Dec. 9th.
Am I the only one who has had Braxton Hicks contractions starting at 25 weeks? They arnt painful at all. Just very annoying, I have maybe like 2-3 a day, everyday for a week straight. Doctor said it was normal and will probably continue and get more frequent as I get bigger, but I'm wondering if any other mommas have them too this early? I'm 26 weeks and 2 days currently. 
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How do I know if I'm feeling Braxton hicks? I think I might be getting them but I'm not to sure. 


Mattie • Sep 10, 2014
If they go away with walking and don't get stronger then they are Braxton hicks


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I've been feeling them since around 15 weeks, and they are getting slowly stronger as this pregnancy progresses. Sometimes I'll get up to 5-6 a day. I've been timing them, and last around 20 seconds each.  


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I'm 25 weeks and 2 days and I'm a first time mother and I started having them 20 weeks and continue to have them to this day 


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This is my 3rd baby and each time I get them earlier. 25 weeks now and I have them daily. And have been having them since at least 15 weeks.


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I've been having them (1-2 per day) during the night. I am 27w3d, dont remember exactly when they started but definitely for a few weeks now. They say is normal.


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I have been having them since about 15 weeks. I am 24 weeks now and have them every day. I didn't have any with my firs pregnancy.  


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With my first I started having them at about 13-14 weeks and had them the whole pregnancy randomly and he was one week overdue. I didn't start having them with my second until 37 weeks but I had them every 15-30 mins until I went into labor at 5 days over.


Maddie • Sep 3, 2014
This is my first pregnancy to get this far so maybe that has something to do with it.