Would you consider it cheating? *Edited

Let me start off by saying, I am not against porn... I’ve actually told my SO to use it when necessary.

Today, I found receipts from live cam porn. $250 over 3 months.

He says it’s not physical, so it’s not cheating.

However, I don’t feel that way. There is plenty of free porn to utilize, and paying to watch live cams is not okay with me...

So I guess I’m wondering if others would be okay with their SO paying to watch live cams?

*Edit: Thank you to everyone who has responded. I can see both sides a little better but still feel hurt. To answer a few questions...

Yes, I told him I don’t mind him watching porn when we first got together. He said he wasn’t really into it, so I never really thought about the live cam part because I personally don’t watch it.

I guess I feel the live cams are more personal, and to pay $250 over 3 months and hide it is more of a trust issue I think If he had told me I may have been a little more open to hearing him out to his preferences but hiding it upset me.

I also just had a baby 5 weeks ago, so spending $250 in my opinion is outrageous and unnecessary.

We have talked about it, and I’ve expressed my feelings to him, but he made me question if it was really a big deal, so I just wanted to see if others would feel the same as I do.