Give me your opinions on what’s going on please x

Umm so I have this friend who’s a guy who’ve I’ve been good friends with for like 3 years (don’t get it twisted I have a boyfriend of almost 3 years ❤️) but we gonna call him “ANDREW” and I’m a really anti social person so I hate talking to people and literally don’t know how to start convos with people. I’m in year 12 now and I’m starting to gain some confidence when talking to people anyways this guy friend is in 2 of my classes and so is this other boy who I talk to and get on easily with let’s call him “RICK”. We normally just talk in our groups in class when we have work to do me rick and Andrew but recently I noticed Andrew doesn’t talk as much and he just sits on the table not saying anything so it’s just become me and rick talking.

In one of the classes Andrew me and nick sat with eachother and then Andrew moved so now me and rick just talk in that lesson and Andrew talks to another guy in the class. I always notice Andrew is off so I always try say hey what’s up or make little small talk because he has distanced himself from me and rick and he just ignores me when I say these things.

Then yesterday Andrew texts me saying “you and rick always leave me out” “you do it every week and then ask what’s wrong with me” but me and rick don’t “leave him out” he has moved away from us and doesn’t speak in lesson which I tried explaining to him and he wasn’t having it.

Then he got a lil weird and started sending me things like this

Andrew is such a nice person and a great friend to me and I can’t help but feel bad for whatever he is feeling even though when I try talk to him he ignores me..he literally told me he was jealous of me and rick but it really doesn’t make sense because all we are doing is talking in class like nothing special that he’s missing out on. like not even my bf is that possessive I feel rude for using that word.. maybe I used it wrong idk

But I just wanna know your opinion on the situation

(Also dk if this should be in rant but I kinda am mad abt it and didn’t know where to put it so it will do)