Slowly leaving an unhappy relationship


So me and my fiancé have been together for 3 years. He have a 1 year old baby girl together.. I’m a stay at home mom while he works. Lately, well for a while now I’ve been unhappy. I’m 20 years old, he’s 24. I got pregnant at 18. Anyway, I’m normally a happy girl. I don’t like to smoke, I don’t drink, I don’t so drugs, I don’t even curse lol. We’re polar opposites. He’s an alcoholic. He’s a sex addict. He has a lot of issues that he hasn’t and doesn’t want to deal with. It’s been draining for me. I’m so unhappy. I’m very appreciative that he puts in the work and long hours to provide for us, and give me things I want but none of that will outweigh the fact that he just has personal issues that he has to fix. Throughout the years, I’ve already dealt with enough problems to know that he’s not the man I am going to marry. We currently live at my moms house, and we are moving out next month to our own apartment because my moms house is also very toxic. Once we move, I am going to begin college and get a degree and hopefully within the next couple of years start my career. And once I’m stable enough to move on my own with our daughter I will do so but right now that just isn’t an option. I don’t know. I just feel like time is moving so slow. Especially being a stay at home mom. I wish I could fast forward to the day that I am in my own home with my daughter living a healthy life..