I hate my Sil and maybe myself a lil

This girl drives me crazy. Shes 4yrs older than my husband 33 so that puts her at 37. I'm 29. We have 2 kids. Their parents are in their 80s but require no assistance. K let the story begin.

So I graduated university for human resources when I was 25 she graduated with her master for human resources 2years b4 me so 31. Cool right?

The difference that matters here is that I was pregnant when I graduated and married to her brother so I didn't jump right into my career. Why bother we have 18month maternity leave in canada. This was the wrong move according to her.

She would see me with my child and try to chew me out about how I could have so much more if only I was working. Or imagine if this was a 2 person working household. Like hold up your neice is 4months old.

Year later I got pregnant again cuz we want 2yr age gaps. I see her again. " everytime I see you youre pregnant is that all you want in life" k your welcome for your nephew. These things I could handle I mean my husband is amazing I know ill never have to work and he doesnt want me to- however I still hustle with buying and selling clothes and collectibles. I easily make 2k a month I pay for all the groceries kids clothes and utilities.

Then Christmas came. Its was our first as a family of 4 and I wanted it to just be us this year so we didnt go home to Canada but stayed in Atlanta. On the 23rd we get a call from Sil telling us shes staying over for Christmas then leaving next day to meet a guy in Finland. So my house is basically a stop off. She comes over its going okay....

My daughter trips and I call out her name Isioma. My sil says what did you call her. I repeat myself. Sil" thats not how you pronounce her name." ( now my husband is Nigerian and I'm Canadian with roots from Jamaica. Anyway I got the name from a Nigerian show I heard it and loved it. I say it exactly the way the show does) she said it in a way that I wouldnt of given it to my daughter if I heard it. Sil" your saying it the way a different tribe would" Me-"okay I'm from no tribe and this is how I like her name to be said..."shes freaking 2years old and my

kid. She only knows her name the way I say it. Not even her farther says it differently or attempted to correct me.

This jumps into a loud argument she then even says I spelt my sons name wrong and trys to teach me...whilst I took my sons name from my çousin so how tf are you trying to school me. She continues to call him the incorrect name.

Anyway my husband magically didnt hear this fight and didnt make her apologize. My blood was boiling. It wasnt till after christmas when she left did she TEXT me from her uber an apology so 2days later after the fact.

10months go by havent heard or seen her.

The sister makes 160k a year but lives in Cali so money just disappears. My parents in law were going to stay at her place for 4months and mine for 3months. Sil calls my husband saying she needs 700$/month to take care of them and 1.2k to furnish her 2nd room so her parents can stay there...she makes twice as much as my husband. She has no kids no bf she's just living her life solo dolo. She goes on trips to Kenya, Vegas, Hawaii, and Cancun all within 6months. She lends out money to would be boyfriends(8k total) but never gets paid back. She doesnt send the kids bday or christmas gifts. Her rent 2.5k 2bd apt our mortgage 1.8k 6bd house. So no right?

For some reason my husband sends her the money but not to furnish just the monthly 700. Then they come and stay with us I get no added monies for groceries ultilities etc. But omg when the parents came to stay at my place she was still requesting 200/month to prepare for when they stop by for 2weeks b4 they leave.

During their stay at her place she kept leaving to go to the vacation locations I listed and send us her 1st class photos etc. She comes back from Kenya and quits her job. Saying she doesnt like it anymore. She needs more money to watch parents. I told my husband were basically paying for her lifestyle. This was confirmed when the parents were staying with us and asked how much money they receieved for groceries. Out of the 2800 for the 4months they got 300$.my husband was even paying for their Ubers on top of that.

I get pregnant with whats suppose to be our last baby before the parents leave. They tell us to send no more money. The sister finds out were pregnant again and doesnt talk to her brother anymore...that is till the miscarriage last week. Now she's calling him like buddy buddy and sent me an condolence text...dont remeber getting a congrats txt but w.e.

she then shows up havent seen her in 11months.

Maybe its the hormones greif and sadness but I couldnt stand to be around her. She tried to talk to me and I just couldnt I snubbed her. I know I was wrong.... I went back and apologized... She was like she needs a minute... I'm over her I mightve apologized but I did that for me more than her I'm usually good at being cordial but ive gotten so much stress from her and my body and mind said nah f her. It just sucks cuz it looks like I'm the horrible person but I'm annoyed and sad and grieving.

She went to my husband and said should she just go home and I'm like...in my head...b* your here for 18hrs after a year of my kids not seeing you. You brought no gifts or souvenirs you dont even call them. Aint no body gonna miss you.

She stayed her stay. Then left with no words to me. I'm mad at how I acted but im happy this might discourage her from coming again. I giess I just needed to rant.