Do you believe in Christian privilege?


Recently I've noticed (and I'm sure others have to) that the media will without fail name the religious affiliation of a Muslim/Jew/etc. Yet they never name label a Christian.

A recent example, a Jewish family were verbally attacked on a train in London by a Christian man. The Christian man carries his bible with him and uses it as a weapon in a sense, he quotes it and reads from it to try shame people. A Muslim woman stepped in and defended the Jewish family, the Christian man also verbally attacked her. The media portrayed it as Muslim woman defends Jewish man and children on train (paraphrasing, but there was no mention of the religion of the attacker).

You may also notice it with terrorism, Muslim extremists are always Muslims and Christian extremists always are a lone wolf or have mental issues. I'm sure all religious extremists have mental issues if they're going round killing people.

So why aren't Christians named as such, why is their religious identity protected? Is a Muslim only a Muslim, a Jew only a Jew, but a Christian just a person in the eyes of the media?

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