So annoyed at husband


I am so annoyed at my husband. Cognitively, I know that he is wonderful and amazing and so supportive. He handles all our bills and insurance paperwork, does all the dishes, has learned to make one dish at my request (spaghetti bolognese in the instant pot) and pretty much does whatever I ask him to. He reads baby books, comes to every appointment, etc. I know I am lucky to have him and every time a new package arrives that I can’t lug up the stairs or I need to bend for something that I can’t reach, I think about how great it is to have him. BUT. He is annoying the crap outta me in these final weeks. Everything he says or does just irks me. He just called a service to get our AC unit cleaned and I hated the way he dragged the conversation on on MY phone when I needed it for my morning routine. That’s one example but basically I feel bad that I’m finding him so annoying and I hope it’s the hormones and that it doesn’t last forever. Anyone else experiencing this? No hate, please. As I said, I love him and I’m grateful for him and this feels hormonal. Just wondering if anyone else is going through something similar.