deal breaker


would your spouse/so refusing to go to any family outings be a dealbreaker for you?

i’ve been married 8 years on 02/18/2020.

we have 3 small kids (5,4,2), so family outings are kind of a must. i really enjoy taking the kids to do fun stuff and it helps with their energy. my middle child is very hyper. they really enjoy it also. my husband absolutely refuses to go to any sort of outing. i have to take them alone or get my mom or sister to go, if i need help. he only goes if it’s like a dinner for his family. so basically thanksgiving and christmas dinner. if it’s my family, he won’t go. Or if he does, it’s an argument either before or after about him going. if i say i need help, he gets mad because he says if he can take all of them out, then so should i. he has taken them all out maybe 5 times. i take them all out multiple times a week by myself. it’s nice to have help and just for him to be there for the kids. with all of this said, when he doesn’t go, he sits at home on his computer or he goes with his brother. i’m beginning to see where his priorities are and i’m not liking what i see.