Why won’t he..

My ex from a year ago and I are still in love. We still talk every now and then, we have also hooked up months ago and then stopped talking for awhile afterwards.

Started talking to him again and we both still say we love each other and always will. We almost had a baby together (had a miscarriage) and he was so wonderful to my son.

I’ve confessed to him that I’m still in love with him.

But he says we just aren’t good in a relationship (we fought a lot) and just wants to be friends. He says he loves me and always will.

:/ I just want him back.. so bad. It literally breaks my heart.

He is willing to sleep with me and hangout with me but just doesn’t want to be in a relationship with me. And before anyone says he’s using me for sex, he isn’t, we haven’t in months and he’s fine with not doing it.

I just don’t know how to get over him :( I’ve had relationships since we broke up and he’s still in my mind constantly.

Is it a loss cause? :(

He says “you gotta stop doing this, just be my friend” :/