12 week appointment Scare


My God is a good God ❤

I had a scare this morning with the baby. We couldn't find the heartbeat with the doppler so I was sent for a ultrasound to figure out what was wrong. I was crying and terrified but all the time God protected my baby. The doppler couldn't pick it up because baby is a little wiggle worm. As soon as she placed the ultrasound tool on my belly baby and their perfect heartbeat popped up 160. I instantly was in tears again but this time tears of relief and love.

I wasn't going to post anything but at I was headed to see Doug(my hubby) for lunch I realized our Lord deserves to be praised.

I have 2 beautiful children but before them my husband and I suffered 3 losses... One of which still haunts me to this day.

My son and daughter with their pup❤

Baby #3 you can see their face and little potbelly 😍