Do you have any silly superstitions?


Hi ladies. Wondering if any of you all have any silly superstitions to bring you good luck and a healthy baby. Since I was a child, I would always make a wish when I saw the clock read 11:11. Once we started ttc I actually began making a point to catch 11:11 and wish for my baby. At some point even told my husband about it so our ritual throughout the process of ttc our son and then throughout the pregnancy was to make a wish at that time. We even set alarms on our phones and would text each other at 11:10 to get ready. And crazy enough, our son was born at 38+1, on November 11th! This time around I’ve been carrying around these little artifacts the doc gave me after our transfer. The tube contains the little container our fertilized eggs were stored in and indicates that the one we implanted was #7. These have been in the pocket of my coat since I left the doctor’s office on transfer day. And I even switched them to my raincoat pocket the other day when it was raining and then back to my big coat the next day. I’m not sure how long I will keep this up, but I suspect it may be until I’m holding this baby in my arms. Here’s to pinning our hopes on lucky #7! 💕💕💕