Sick baby


FTM- my baby has been “sick” for what I feel has been forever!

A little over a month ago my sweet baby came down with a cough with some wheezing. Thankfully it wasn’t RSV, however they told us baby had bronchitis. They sent us home with a nebulizer that we were told to use for a week. This was about 6 weeks ago. The cough along with stuffy nose/boogers has NOT gone away. Last week baby came down with the stomach flu. Took baby to the doctor, and was told just to keep an eye out and keep hydrated. We did and the stomach flu lasted 24 and was gone. But we still have this cough! I called the doctor again and spoke with a nurse who said it was all normal...and if we wanted to we could continue to use the nebulizer.

Now my question is, is this normal? I feel like my baby shouldn’t still be coughing (along with congestion, you can hear and feel it in the lungs) for this long! Do I need to find a new doctor? Just let this run it’s course?