Toxic relationship that I can’t leave..

So I’ve been with my partner for almost two years within that time I had a child with this person I’m literally so stupid because there were so many red flags with him from the start.

But I still had a child with him and it only got worse

Physically and mentally

I’ve gone through so much with him but I’m so through the only reason I stayed with him because he keeps threatening that if I leave he’ll take me to court and fight for full custody or call cps on me

Since we both have our problems

He uses my mental health against me telling me I’m too bipolar or my depression is so bad that I shouldn’t have my child.

But he also has anger issues and is extremely controlling.

I’m so scared because I don’t want my daughter to deal with this

I already feel shitty enough she has to have us as parents but I try my best everyday for her my daughter is the only reason I’m still walking and breathing every single day.

I’m tired of these threats and I just want to leave and be at peace with my little girl I want nothing to do with him.

I just want to know if my mental health would be a serious reason cps would take my child from me

I don’t have a job but I would 100% get one once I move out

I have a place to go when I do

I just don’t want cps anywhere near my daughter

I don’t want her in the system she doesn’t need to be

I’m her mother I take care of her like no other

I know the difference between each cry

I feed her

I change her diapers

I make her appointments

I take her to them

I do everything for my child when she needs.

I would die for my child literally

I’m just so sick of this shit

I hate him so much for doing this to me like fuck

I’ll never regret my babygirl but I will always regret who I chose to have a child with.