Gods calling??

I’m 16. I work at a mall a pet store, don’t get me wrong I love pets and dogs but my job only pays 7.25 I do have bills to pay every month which is my phone bill. So I definitely need to keep a job if a want my phone to continue being on lol.

But recently I’ve been having a urge to quit and do my own thing. I always wanted to be a YouTuber but my fear is definitely holding me back. I wanna over come it but I’m just scared. And I always wanted my own lash and lip gloss line too. But I have no clue how to begin with that. I know I’m not born to work for anyone. I just know. I don’t like authority figures telling me to clean dang windows for living and be satisfied. I want to do something I enjoy doing like YouTube and my makeup.

Is this Gods calling me to do it? Or is this just my thoughts?

Thanks!! Have a bless Holliday