TMI!! Bleeding on Christmas day!!


Little long.

Im 11weeks 3days and yesterday on Christmas day I had to have an emergency scan. We've had some heavy bleeding and clots, no pain it literally came out of no where, i was stood up and suddenly felt like id wet myself and went to the toilet to find a lot of blood (tmi) it was everyday for what it looked like it was pouring out in to the toilet.

Straight away got in the car and drove to a&e. I had to do a urine sample and when I went to the toilet I passed a really big clot at what I thought was the baby. I showed the nurse and she confirmed to was just a clot. Pregnancy test came back positive and had an internal check and she confirmed my cervix was closed !! We then had a scan and by some miracle baby was bouncing around like mad, doing rolipolis 😊. Wouldnt keep still for the doc to measure the baby for ages lol.

Found out the bleeding is non pregnancy related and just due to stress. So relieved, it was so scary. Baby is measuring 1 day ahead making us today 11weeks 3 days.

My pregnancy is still classed as an threatened miscarriage and I'm still bleeding just not as heavy as i was.

Also has anyone else experienced this?