Daddy issues

Sometimes, I really despise my Dad. He's an abusive b**** sometimes and has anger issues. He shows so much care and love sometimes and extreme anger and abuse other times. It's confusing as hell. I legit fear him sometimes. But I'm a b**** as well and say the shit that I want to say, despite the fear that he'll snap and punch me or hit me. I know I have anger issues too and I'm already waiting to be assigned a therapist. But he doesn't even want to believe that he needs to get help. When I was a kid, I used to tell my Mom, "he needs to get help for his anger issue" and she'd tell me, "he's already a grown adult now and can't change, but you're a kid and young so you can still change and behave better". Bullshit. I just can't wait till I leave this "sometimes hell" of a home and hopefully my future husband won't be abusive and angry like him.