Short amount of time before getting pregnant

How long have you been in a relationship before getting pregnant? A little back story to why I'm asking.... I've only known my babies father/boyfriend since late March of this year, we started dating in the middle of May and then got pregnant at the end of May. This baby was planned, we talked about it he even said "I've decided to let you have my kid's" I was over the moon happy... We've only been together a total of 7ish to 8ish month's only dating a few week's before getting pregnant. I care about him so much I love him like no other this is the best relationship I've had by far! I really feel like he is the perfect one for me, not because of the baby but because he's everything I've always wanted in a man. He's sweet, kind, caring, loving, would give the shirt off his back for anybody, will do any and everything for his family as well as mine with no questions asked. I've never had somebody as amazing as him. He can sometimes be an emotionless hard ass but he has a really big heart. I've never questioned myself if it was way too soon for us to have kid's because it just felt so right. When I told him I was pregnant he was so happy and couldn't wait to tell friend's and family... His family, especially his mother, are so amazing I love them to death! I couldn't ask for a better family for our son ❤❤