
About one year and a half ago we got into a car accident where we rear ended a lady. Fast forward to yesterday we were served papers saying she was suing us for $25,000 for failure to give her insurance information and that it caused her harm. We looked at the papers it stated that her vehicle was damaged and she had medical issues. We looked back and the police report says that her vehicle was only slightly damaged we saw that it was only her bumper and she wasn’t even hurt because the police report said she was fine I needed no medical intervention and she said so herself. So I guess my question is what can we do? The police report does not at all match the papers we were served.

Edit: this was a simple fender bender. It was on a freeway and behind us tgere was a couple more cars that crashed and hit us. Separate accidents but we ended up being involved. Police came and took our info. Thos lady was at the other sofe of the freeway so we couldn’t physically get it to her ao we assumed pur imfo was already on all the paper work and that was that. It hot so complicated, but she hardly had any damage and was not injured and is now saying she was.