Do you think your SO is the most handsome/beautiful person in the entire world?

(Considering only their looks)

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300 views • 1 upvote • 6 comments



Posted at
No, but he’s an amazing person. I don’t go for looks. Some of the prettiest people have the shiftiest personalities. Nonetheless I do think my husband is good looking and our son is the cutest. 😊


Posted at
No, he's not but my interest in him is more than skin deep. He's got plenty of other things going on that makes him absolutely gorgeous.


Posted at
He’s very handsome. To me his personality is gorgeous. His personality and his character mean a hell of a lot more to me than looks. I don’t care about looks. I care about intelligence and I care about personality, character, education levels, etc, but not looks.


Posted at
I find my husband extremely attractive, and combined with his personality. skills, intelligence, and sense of humor? 10/10, would marry again! 😅


Posted at
I voted no, but I highly doubt my boyfriend would call me anything close to the most beautiful person in the world either. He's definitely handsome, and knows how to work what he's got, and yes he'll strut around like he's hot stuff to get my attention because he knows I find him very attractive, but he's also sometimes smelly, lacks manners, and sweats a lot lol. Love him anyway 😍


Posted at
How could I not. He’s the most attractive man I’ve ever seen. ( especially in uniform 😍) I’m not going to lie when we first started dating I didnt think he was the cutest but I fell in love with his personality and the way he treats me. Over time he become more and more attractive. Now I’m marrying the most handsome person in the world. Ladies get you a man he who has a great personality and treats you the best. The attractiveness comes later as you slowly fall in love.