Me Day


Last night my husband rubbed my back, my feet, put a hot pack on my shoulders and iced my bad knee, I felt so blessed. Not only did he massage me, but he got up with our son all night last night after giving me some tylenol PM to make sure I would sleep decent. I woke up at 9:30 today to breakfast in bed (fresh pineapple, and you delicious homemade breakfast sandwiches), the baby changed, fed and giggling. I got up to go grab my pump and the assembly only to find out my husband had cleaned all my bottles and placed them all set up on my bedside table so I wouldn't have to move. 🥰 But it still got better from there, I finished pumping and he brought me fresh ice water (lots of ice) which seems to be the only way I drink it since I was pregnant. He took my full milk bottles from pumping and put them in freezer bags for me! Then he turned on the show I am binge watching lately and went back out to the kitchen to prep dinner! Now I am sitting in a coffee bath he ran for me (excellent for PP bodies) with my favorite bubbles, salts and bath bomb with a face mask on pretending like I don't have a long list of things to get done. Ladies, I can not make this stuff up. My husband has just let me relax, read, watch tv and sleep for 11 hours last night! I am about to cry over this man. He is an amazing father and the best husband. ❤ Just had to gush, couldn't contain myself anymore!