Rant and advice needed mostly....

Ok. So for the past 2 months my husband has been out of work. He was laid off due to his jobs being "seasonal" concrete work. Anyway, a week after he was laid off, I got a job making a dollar more than minimum wage in my state. He was making 17 dollars an hour. While he worked, I was stay at home momma, made sure house was clean, and all those responsibilities that come with it.

Someone we know gave him a lead on a job where the guy is desperate for workers. And has weekend positions open. I work Monday through Friday 730 to 4 p.m.

My husband is unwilling to work weekends because that's "his time" and wants to hint, fish etc. So he entertained the idea of working through the week.

Anyway this same person that gave him the job lead, has a daughter that runs a daycare. Due to the small town and degrees of people knowing eachother etc, the girl that runs the daycare...her mother is married to my husband's ex's brother. So basically the ex is the aunt of the girl that runs the daycare.

I know, head twister. And wondering the relevance. Well 2 years ago, she (his ex) tried her damnedest to start shit within our marriage. While I put a stop to it, (basically it was her messaging him and calling him and him not seeing what she was trying to do...or maybe he was..I dont reallyknow anymore) I dont trust the skank, regardless.

I just feel like it would be a way to have her step her toe back into everything and not only that, have access to MY child. Or rumors or whatever.

I know what most of you are thinking...just find another daycare. The 1 I wanted is full, and the other 2 within this town are not only poorly rated, but way out of my price range due to me only making min wage and having to pay all of our Bill's at the moment.

I dont know what the husband would be making should he start working...I'm just kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place I guess.