I ended it all in time for the new year!

Deb 🙏 hopeful romantic 🇺🇲🇬🇧🇬🇹🇵🇷

Today I ended a 5 year and 4 month relationship to a horrible creature of a "man". He is an abusive, narcissist, chump and I realized yesterday that I cannot do it anymore. It's been up and down and this past year with him, when I found out he was cheating with several females online, emotional cheating, and caught him, he begged me to give him another chance and he promised me the world and I fell for it... nothing got better and I deserve so much better; I've settled in the past and I cannot do it anymore. I cannot keep arguing, I cannot keep doing everything, I cannot keep trying to make something broken work. I gave up on him for me. I'm free and will face the new year with Hopes for true love and romance. I needed to tell someone and I wish all of you beautiful ladies nothing but the the very best in this new year. God bless you lovies, besos!

This is the first new picture of me happy in this new year 2020. Thank you and cheers to all you beautiful kind hearted ladies who have shown me so much love and encouragement. I'm grateful for your words, for the push to keep moving forward, I feel blessed and genuinely happy to have a fresh start. Thank you again, Lovlies! Tits up!!! 😂🤣😁👍😊😉