Discouraged and frustrated.

Jenna • 20, single, FTM. Baby boy due 10/24💙

I suppose I just need to vent a bit.

I was due yesterday 10/24.

Up until the last couple days I was in no rush for baby to come. However, I am now 100% effaced, 0 dilated and baby is at 0 station, the doctor said she can feel his head, he's so low. With that being said, I'm getting major back pain because of his position and lots of pressure/cramps. I swear I feel him grinding his hands on my pubic bone. Lol it's impossible to get comfortable so sleeping is tough. And whenever I'm up and moving I have consistent braxton hicks but they aren't strong enough to help me dilate. (Just strong enough to be uncomfortable, get me excited and then taper off)

When I'm laying I'm uncomfortable, when I'm standing or moving I'm uncomfortable.. I'm just getting tired and grumpy! I know my time is soon but man I wish this little guy would hurry up. Not to mention I live by myself. So all I really do is sit around or try to clean and think about how bad I want this baby out! Hopefully a long walk will help encourage things. Basically just waiting for contractions to pick up. Anyone else in a similar position? First baby so I expected it to be a while but its dragging!