Is it considered rape if...

Is it still considered rape if you're married and you tell your partner no, but they force themselves on you?

I ask because I literally have had zero sex drive for a while now...and the frustration on my husbands end is unreal. So much so that he has mentioned if I dont snap out of it and stop being a nun he will find it elsewhere.

I cant explain why I dont, I just dont. The other night, he waited until I was out of the shower and in our room getting dressed. He came in, fully hard and told me to lay down. I said no, I didnt want too.. I wasn't turned on. So be bent me over, shoved it in and did what he had to do I guess. I was just laying there, dealing with it, feeling used...he got done and walked out of the room. I laid in my bed after I cleaned up and was just flabbergasted.

Guess it seems silly to be raped by your husband 🤷‍♀️