Have drawn a complete blank

I feel like a horrible mom 😩 I have been around babies since I was 14, I’m now 23 and pregnant with my first. I helped take care and buy items for them. When I was 14 we were constantly having my cousin so I learned a lot about babies and what they need. Then 3 years ago my sister had her first baby, I was buy everything I could think of because I was going to spoil my niece and I did, from clothes, diapers, formula, to toys I was buying it. When she turned 6 months old I started babysitting her for my sister. Then my sister got pregnant with my nephew and again I was buying everything I could for him. When he turned 2 months old I was watching them both until he turned one. so I know how to care for a baby. Iv been buying everything I can think of for my own. I have no drawn a blank of what all else I need for my little one.

This is what I have so far, if anyone could please help out with more suggestions of what to buy I would be so thankful!

- crib

- car seat

- diapers/wipes

- plenty of clothes

- bottles

- pacifiers

- swaddle blankets

- soft fuzzy blanket

- socks

- bath soap and lotion

We are working on getting a pack and play and a swing.