MIL drama 🙄

Thinking about sending a long text message to my soon to be MIL because since I've become pregnant which was back in May/June there were things going on that I had to stay with my fiance for a couple months and he lives with his parents (his parents pay the rent & he pays for EVERYTHING else) . Well during that time his mom smokes in the house as she does now and his dad smoke weed in the house which staying there I kinda had to deal with it but I no longer live there anymore, but o am due this month and my fiance isn't allowed where I stay now cause of reasons I would not like to explain, but after the hospital we plan on staying with my fiance since he got approved for a week off that way he can spend time with me and his son. His mom on the other hand is still smoking in the house not caring about anyone's health not even her own and I want to be able to be over there without worrying but she doesn't listen to anyone. But she has been asking when is the baby going to be here and when can she hold him and all this other type of stuff but I just want her to no smoke in the house while we are there for a couple days and if she can't do that then me and my fiance both have talked about pulling the plug on her even getting to meet her grandson and it's not just because of the smoking either she doesn't wash her hands or shower for the matter and is all around just not clean. Should I send her her last warning or just give up?

Update: before I get "well it's her house" well technically it is but it isn't . She doesn't work at all and hasn't worked in years. She is barely paying for it rn. She had to ask her daughter to come down from California to help her pay for it. My fiance pays for the lights, water, wifi, cable, car note, the stove, fridge, washer and dryer and everything else but the rent.