Great/super fast 1st labor!


This is literally 10 months overdue but I figured I’d share my positive story for first time moms!

I thought I was in labor 3 times before my actual labor (Braxton Hicks are not real contractions unfortunately haha). I thought I was tough and my contractions were nothing! 😂 the dr told me that I would KNOW when I was in real labor. She was right!

At 40 weeks my Dr did 2 membrane sweeps. I was dilated to a 3 by the second one and 80% effaced. At 40+5 I had not progressed so they scheduled me an induction at 6am on that Saturday at 41 weeks.

That Friday night I had my husband take me out to dinner being our last night without our baby!Before we left the restaurant I had to use the bathroom and felt these really bad sharp pains. I thought it was weird and they kept coming every so often. I was so uncomfortable on the way home and nearly in tears. When we got home I got into the bath and was trying to relax. Still getting these really sharp pains on and off every few minutes. after I got out my husband said “what time should I set my alarm for tomorrow?” And I said, “you’re not going to have to! This baby is coming tonight!” He laughed and set it anyway. I got into bed and not even 30 seconds later I heard and felt a huge pop in my stomach and it was my water! I jumped up really fast to avoid ruining our bed and I said ok this is it!

We left for the hospital and I was having extremely strong and painful contractions all the way there. By the time we got there I could barely walk. Every minute or so we would have to stop and I would have a contraction. Longest walk to the birthing center ever! We got there and they put me in a room with a bed to monitor my contractions. (12:00am) by this time I’m begging for the epidural. Couldn’t handle the pain. Contractions were every 1-2 minutes. They finally got my in the delivery room and I was dilated to a 9! (2am) They said my epidural most likely wouldn’t work this late. I begged and begged for it and they did it. About 30 seconds later I felt no pain. Just pressure! I felt like a new person! At 2:30 I said I felt the need to push and the nurse said ok! And 30 minutes later my son was born! No pain and only a small tear. He was perfectly healthy. The epidural wore off without pain in a few hours and I was able to walk!

My son was born 3 hours before my scheduled induction! I was so lucky! I was only in active labor for 3 1/2 hours! The drs joked that my next baby is going to be born in the car! Lol