I need advice! I'm so frustrated with my mom

Hi guys. So my daughter and I recently moved into an apartment with my mom and younger sister due to me now being a single mother. I have told my mom all along that this is temporary. I have set a budget and believe I can get my daughter and I our own place when our lease is up in October. My mom is REALLY frustrating about the entire thing.

She keeps saying that it's too soon for me to move and is EXTREMELY negative about it. I try to tell her that for me and my daughter, I need to have our own place so that I dont just feel like a child raising my child in my mom's house. I'm only a month into living here and I know I cannot do it long term. I need my own space after the past I've had.

Any ideas how I can handle this with her? When I talk to her about it, she just shuts me down and is really negative. She has even told my sisters to tell me not to move out.

I dont want to hurt her feelings, but I'm an adult. Thoughts??