Leaving my two week old for a few hours


I have my post op appt today with my OB to check my c section incision. Their office is not close to my house. We live in NYC at the northern tip of Manhattan, and they are at the southern tip. My plan is to leave my baby with my MIL and DH while my FIL drives me downtown to the appt. I also plan to feed her right before I go and should be back within 2-3 hours. We are mostly breastfeeding with the occasional assist from formula, and there’s formula in the house if she needs it while I’m gone. And I’ll bring my hand pump to deal with any potential engorgement though I don’t think that will happen in such a short amount of time. To me, this plan makes sense but am I crazy? What do other mothers do?

Update: Left the baby at home w her dad and grandma. Was gone for exactly three hours. She slept peacefully the whole time and was ready to nurse the minute I walked back in the door. Thx for all your supportive comments! Could not have gone better.