Is she using me ?

I tried to edited my post, but I accidentally deleted it instead.

My “friend” messaged me and asked me if I had some pregnancy tests that she could have if she payed me $2. Well I told her I’d have to talk it over with my husband because we got into a argument last time due to him feeling like we spent money just to give it away. Which I completely understand where he is coming from. But anyways she kept asking and I kept telling her the same thing. She said no stores are open for her to be able to go get one herself. (Which I honestly have no idea why she can’t wait til the morning.) After I kept saying no that I would talk to him when he woke up, she got a little attitude I think (it’s extremely hard to tell in text messages if it was an attitude or not, but seemed like one.) A couple days ago she went to the er because she was bleeding and thought she was pregnant. The er doctor literally told her that she was never pregnant and it was just a heavier period that was a couple days late. She said her stomach is swollen so she still believes she’s pregnant. The only time she ever hits me up is when she needs something (mostly pregnancy tests) or she messaged me asking questions about my life. Recently I had another miscarriage and she messaged me asking about it. (It kind of felt like she just wanted information and didn’t really care what I was going through.)

In the past she’s said so much fucked up shit that I forgave her for.

Example : I told her that she really needed to get help because she was on meth/Herion/pills/alcohol. She had also done things for drugs ... I told her she needed to be better for her daughter. Then she says “at least I can have kids bitch.” Knowing about my first miscarriage and my struggle with infertility.

She had also shown my half naked pictures to a couple people. (She went through my phone and got them WHILE I WAS SLEEPING )

I forgave her for all of that shit, but apparently she’s still doing drugs. She lost custody of her daughter. It seems like nothing will make her change.

She literally only hits me up when she needs a favor, but yet she’s never done shit for me.

I’ve done more things than I can count for her. Been there, watched her daughter (even on the night before my wedding. Which made me look like shit during my wedding since I didn’t have time to do my makeup or anything.)

I don’t mind doing things for people, but I do mind feeling used. My husband told me from the very beginning that’s all she was doing, but I didn’t want to believe it. But also people tell me I’m a bitch for not helping a friend out... but I just feel used at this point.

Also I have the hardest time saying no, I hate it. I’m trying to work on it. But it’s still hard for me to come out and just say “no.”

Anyways I hope this makes since, I’m extremely tired since she literally woke me up at 1 am saying it was urgent even tho it was pregnancy tests.

I don’t want this around my children (if I’m ever able to conceive.) it is just extremely hard to cut people off for me, I want to try to help everybody which I know deep down I can’t.

Also I’m terrified she will come to where I live and try to start shit (she’s one of those people.) My mother lives with me due to health reasons, I don’t want to bring any of that in our home.

This whole situation is just stressing me out due to me feeling guilty, worrying about what shit she will start if I cut her off, etc.

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