Am I wrong?

My husband works 70 hrs a week in a physical/labor job. I am a stay at home mom with our toddler. However I think it’s important that my husband still does work around the house because he lives there too. So I assigned a chores list for him that includes doing dishes, laundry, vacuuming and towels, as well as cooking dinner duties. My share of the work is cooking 4 nights a week, and maintaining the house/cleaning and dusting. 2 weeks in a month he is to do the grocery shopping for that week. I also have him pick up our daughter from daycare when he gets off work 2 days a week (our daughter goes to daycare for two days a week so I can have a break/some me time). My husband came to me last night and said he feels it’s unfair how much work he has to do inside the home. He said he loves that he can support our family financially but that he is exhausted when he comes home and has more work to do. I basically told him to suck it up like stay at home moms have to do everyday and threatened him with more chores. He ended up shutting down and leaving the house saying he was going to his brother’s. Am I wrong for making him do chores?

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