Boundaries for mil??

Long story short I very much dislike my mil. She disrespected me a lot when I first had my son

And would do things I didn’t like without making sure I was okay with it first. I push to see her every two weeks for my sanity but it seems like she’s trying to do every week like how it was when he was first born. I made it to where it would be every two weeks once he was about 3 months. Hes 1 year and a half now and I thought I would see her less but now she’s trying to see us more often and I just get myself to see her that much. We saw her last Wednesday. And she texted me yesterday (she always texts me instead of her son) asking when she can come. Hasn’t even been a week at that point. So I told her I will talk to her son and we would let her know what day. She texts him today asking when she can come, he just told her let’s see if the weekend I am off and she texted again saying I can’t go during the week? It’s a little annoying cause i don’t want to see her every week. How do I do it to set boundaries or to let her know to give some space? Help please