complete enlightenment 🙌🏼


so after 3 different kind of readings i finally feel as though my ttc journey is laid out for me, which is comforting in a way

january 23 - 23 is a significant number for me & i would be starting a cycle that leads to conception 🙌🏼

feb 13 - 13 is a significant number & i’d most likely be starting supplements to lengthen my luteal phase. i have a dr appt the 12. i was asked if i’ve been checked for hormonal irregularities & starting supplements could increase my chances of conceiving soon 💕

may/june - i would be going for my gender

scan in late may or early june, or later in june whatever i decide 🤫 brianna predicted a major doctor appt in may

november - my due date would be 10/31/20 but i’m not going to have baby til 3-4 days after my date so early november 💛

obviously this isn’t set in stone as energy is always changing (generic disclaimer lol) but i took a long bath & meditated on this as well as accepting the possibility it might not happen as predicted. brianna’s was the best, only because you were given a 12 month spread which helps give a little more insight. salem verified what brianna said although her months are a doctors appt & not the typical months of conception (so briannas gave better months for me).

i’ve been posting my experiences so here’s my final full story. i must add that i’ve added crystals & additional necessary vitamins, & spend most of my time focusing on cleansing energy around me & spreading positive energy to others. i’m more excited to birth an enlightened little human who will change the world someday because that’s what they’re meant to do 💚💙

if you read all this thanks 😂🥰