My partner keeps complaining about me and finances


We both earn roughly the same, I work 30 hours a week and he works 40 hours. I send my rent money to him every month. He sends me money for childcare, we both top up the gas and electric every week. Any other bill outside of this isn't in my name, so once he tells me how much I have to pay towards xyz I send the money to him.

I buy 95% of the food shopping, I've asked him if we can split it and I'm still yet to hear anything more about it. He tells me I'm shady when It comes to my money and thinks he's the only one that has credit card fees to pay. I let him know that I have been struggling myself, I asked him for help and he said yes, then complained about it so I just get on with it. I pay my bills, pay for travel and food. Every so often I'll ask him if the rent is the same or I'll have to chase him for childcare money and he gets annoyed saying this is why he wanted to sit down properly. We've had plenty of conversations about it and nothings changed. I don't have money stashed someone like he thinks cos trust me if I did i wouldn't go to work looking like I just rolled out of bed everyday. He didn't want to pay towards childcare during Christmas and left me almost having to fork out his share. But he has the audacity to try to turn the tables on me and ask how I would afford to pay for things.

He wants me to list everything I pay for monthly and I've never asked this of him. As long as bills are payed then why am I concerned. I never ask him how much he pays for weed, he always downplays it then when he's broke he's still smoking away. He called me shady more than once but if he does the maths there's nothing left, I wish I had extra money to splash out. Before our daughter I'd have any extra 500 every month and I'd put it in my savings for a rainy day. Now all I have is debt to pay. Am I wrong for not wanting to write an itemised list of everything my money goes towards? If the bills are being paid and we're splitting then equally then what's the issue?