In-laws rant


I live with my fiancé and his family, we live upstairs in what used to be an apartment.

The day I brought my daughter home they were up here, in my space, grabbing her holding her not leaving her alone and giving me anxiety.

I told my fiancé to tell them to only come up when invited. That didn’t work. They try coming up all the time. I literally have to yell “I have my boobs out!” Or “I’m feeding the baby!” And they constantly ask me “are you done?” Yes, but I don’t want you up here.

They’re also very controlling. Asking if they can watch the baby overnight downstairs. No?! She’s a week old and needs her mom! Not to mention I breastfeed!

They’re constantly wanting to hold her, feed her, change her, take her. I understand they’re excited but holy shit I just had her.

And if they hear her cry they run up here and see what’s wrong. They’re so controlling and won’t let us parent.

Am I wrong to want my privacy or my baby to myself??? Tbh they’re lucky they see her everyday, some grandparents see their grandchildren once a week.

We decided to stay here to save money but I’m about to go insane.