TTC since Christmas Eve


I know I haven’t been trying long AT ALL but I’m so impatient. I took a test Friday (1/10/20) and bfn. My last period was over Thanksgiving week. I’m very irregular and can’t use my estimated period time frame to know when to test so I’m honestly just winging it. I’ve had a few things going on different with my body like increased appetite, extreme fatigue, a little dizzy today, light twinges in my lower left abdomen yesterday, random spouts of nausea and occasional headaches. Idk if it’s possible for me to actually be pregnant this fast or if I’m just hoping so hard that I’m like making my mind believe that I could be 🤦🏻‍♀️ I have a daughter who will be 3 on Feb 3rd and she’s so exited to be a big sister she’s wanted a “baby sister” for months now and I can’t wait to be able to tell her that she will be a big sister but i feels like it’s taking forever and it’s only been a few weeks. 😭😭 sorry if this is all over the place I’m a little extra emotional lately lol.