Newborn sleep issues

K • Married, 3yo girl, second girl in the way

Hey all!

We started out lucky with sleep and where she’s a bit jaundice I would actually have to wake her every 2-3 hours to feed,

Lately -and more so the last 2 nights- she is the hardest to put down at bedtime (10-11pm) it took me 3 hours tues night and 5 hours last night. She sleeps fine in the day after feedings and will fall asleep at end of feedings at night too but the second we put her in bassinet about 2-5 mins later she’s awake and fussing and wanting to eat again.

She almost seems to cluster feed just at that point in the night.

We are gunna try switching her bassinet out for the pack n play play pen to see if that makes a difference. Any other tips?

I tried keeping her awake last night in the 9-10pm hour but that didn’t seem to help

She will be 2 weeks old tomorrow