Any advice!?😭

Catriona • ♡Cat♡

Long story short, few days ago I had my first consultation with a doctor in a new area, she weighed me and told me without a bmi of under 30 (it's around 36), that I will be refused any forms of medication for pcos or fertility!?

My previous GP had me booked in to get an internal scan but I moved city before I could get to that and he never once mentioned weight being an issue?

I am currently doing keto but needing to lose around 20kg/3 stone in order to try for a baby with letrozole or the likes, which will take me god knows how long? I'm only 24 but I could be trying for years even with medication! It's already been 2 years+ trying naturally.

I'm being denied my chance at being a mum because of my weight!?😭 (in the UK - Scotland to be precise)