
I don’t know how to start this off but I’m in need of some advice

I’ve been with my fiancé for 5 years & we are always getting into it for the littlest things this past week we got into it because

I didn’t want him to be late to work since he’s been late all week & he wanted to smoke before work but he didn’t have a rillo so he left to the store to get one and like always he took his sweet time, ( I don’t smoke never liked being around it but he does & always has) anyways,

He got back and it’s been 10 min passed

and I told him if he was almost ready to go because I didn’t want him to be late to work, & he’s like “well then let’s go I just won’t smoke” & kind of threw the rillo & grinder on the table and was all mad about it, so he walked to the room to go change his clothes cause

it was raining so he changed his shirt and jacket and usually he puts it on the bed cause I’m the one who cleans and this time he just threw it on the floor purposely knowing I’m the one who’s gonna pick it up. So I kicked it cause it triggered me that he’s acting childish over “smoking”.

& so I told him calmly that I don’t know why he’s mad that he needs to start waking up earlier so he could be able to get done what he wants to do, & he just started getting defensive saying “no one is mad , who’s mad?” so then he proceeded to argue with me and I got really mad and said “this is why I don’t want to be with you anymore” and he responded “well no one told you to stay” so I got really mad because it hit me that it’s true, no one has me here putting up with him all the time, so we left in the morning to take him to work & I was gonna stay at my moms house for the rest of the day but I told him I’m only going back with him because I didn’t want to keep our daughter away from him. Because every time I leave to when we argue this bad I take her with me, but not in a bad way were I keep him from her I just take her with me.. & he’s always going to social media and making me look like the bad person. Saying I took my daughter away , but it’ll be the same thing if I take her he’s gonna be telling everyone I took her away if I leave her he’s gonna tell every one I abandoned my daughter . & I told him I was only staying here till her birthday party passes which is the ended of February and I would figure out what I’m gonna do.

Mind you, he don’t help me clean the house, he pays rent and we split bills but still don’t really do much but sleep smoke sh-t & eat literally. I work part time in the night and he works morning so when I go to work he watches our daughter but he always has her asleep which is another reason why I get mad cause he always has her asleep when I’m gone , when she can be up playing with her toys , eating snacks watching tv or something instead of sleeping cause whenever I get home she tends to wake up and stays awake for the rest of the night and then he gets mad when she’s jumping on the bed not wanting to go back to sleep afterwards..

If he don’t smoke he is always in a bad mood with me feeling, irritated, annoyed ect..

When he smokes it’s like nothing ever happened like we never argued, always in a good mood and I told him if the only way he has to be nice to me is by smoking then that’s a problem. I always do everything and feel unappreciated all the time..

Any advice ?

We haven’t talked I slept in the guest room last night.. we texted but it was about our daughter.

But I silently cried myself to sleep cause I wanted my daughter to have both her parents in her life & its just hard..

but I feel like I can’t be putting myself thru this anymore.. 🥺