Anxiety and Depression From My Relationship.


Hello everyone,

I am reaching out to the <a href="">Eve</a> community for support and advice. Please forgive me for the long post I am about to make, but I am desperate for help and advice.

My Fiancée and I have been engaged for three months. Things have taken a COMPLETE turn for the worse since our engagement. Everyone always says the first year is the hardest, and it DEFINITELY is! So, a short back-story on us: We started talking on POF, and, after a couple of days, we decided to meet face-to-face. She lived in Kentucky, I live in Tennessee. We agreed to meet in Nashville at the mall. I introduced myself. We walked the entire mall, I bought her lunch at the food court, we had a great time, and we hit it off really well. We went our separate ways that night already, secretly, agreeing that we had found our soulmate. Well we continued talking, and, a short time later, I illustrated a Harry Potter book filled with puns (both mutual loves for the both of us,) and I asked her to be my girlfriend through that book. She said yes. Well, due to some things going on at her house, I asked her to move in with me fairly quickly. She said yes! So, the first three months were GREAT! It was like we were both living in a fairytale. However, month four rolled around, and our “fairytale” was reaching its plot. We had our first fight, but we managed to get through it. Well, another month flew by and it was great Moving ahead, I asked her to marry me and she said yes! But then, about a month later, our relationship did a complete 360. She was constantly cussing me out. She was arguing about every single thing she could possibly think of. She was saying that I was using my anxiety as a crutch and my PTSD was something I was only blaming her for, when all I was trying to do was beg her for comfort and help. Now, here we are living in two different states again. She pulled the whole “I need a break thing.” I have been giving her her space (which is not easy with my anxiety.) She has been gone for 5 days and will not tell me when she is coming home. She took some of her clothes, but left everything else at our house. She is in with the wrong crowd, in Kentucky right now, as I type this. All she wants to do is let her friends take her phone and send me mean things, but is alleging that she does miss me, but, yet, won’t come back home. Our texts have been short, and she has still been trying to start arguments. She and I have both agreed (the night she came to get her stuff) that we would work on our relationship, but she is too distracted by friends that don’t even care about her to do-so.

My anxiety cannot handle this anymore. My PTSD cannot handle this anymore. I need her home. I am completely lost without her. My family and friends have come to my rescue, and let me stay at their houses and have been trying to keep me company because I cannot even stay in our house right now. What should I do?