Hubby wants another baby just not sure if I do...

Hello all so I just had my 2nd daughter 3 months ago and let me tell you my birth experience was the absolute worst experience of my entire life!!!! The nurses were absolutely terrible, they let me over dilate, which just means she was in there longer then she needed to be I guess... she was sunnyside up and her head was cocked to the side making it extremely hard to push her out so they kept telling me I was pushing wrong when they just weren’t paying attention cause the doctor had no trouble getting her out, I sometimes hate that the doctor make you labor with nurses well I hated laboring with these nurses... oh and my daughter swallowed my mucus plug since she was in there too long.... my first birth with my oldest daughter was awesome and I had them at the same hospital I just don’t know what happened in the last 3 years there!!!! So now from my experience with my 2nd daughter I’m absolutely terrified of having another baby even though I do want more children I’m just so so so scared of something going wrong... is this something I will get over, I know they say you forget about the pain but idk if I can forget this... I know my hubby wants a son too and I do as well just scared about going through that again!!! Looking for advice... we still wouldn’t be having another child for at least a couple years just have been talking about it with him and I get such bad anxiety every time he brings it up!!!