Still upset don’t know if I should be or how to let it go.


My cousin and I were pregnant about 3 weeks apart. She had a miscarriage early at about 6 weeks. I told her I’m sorry, I was there for her and tried my best to comfort her. I was diagnosed with an incompetent cervix and my water broke at 18 weeks and was dilated with no symptoms. When this happened she was rude and showed no compassion. She told me she wouldn’t pick up my 2 year old daughter at the hospital for a couple hours until my mom could get there. She said that she had other obligations, she is the family I have remotely close to where I live. My cousin is my daughters godmother.

She said “the doctors will just tell me to go home and let my body clear it out”. We had a little service and she said she couldn’t go because she had other plans. I said ok because maybe it would be hard for her. She tried to compare our situations after the service. She said she was further along than me ( I still have texts saying she wasn’t) as if to some how compete with me. Also said “ don’t get to upset you will just have another one”. I have been thinking a lot about this and I am just so upset with her. For Christmas she sent out a Christmas card saying she was pregnant. I just don’t understand why she thinks it’s ok to act the way she does. I don’t know how to let it go. We are family and I have always been there for her and yet she doesn’t care about anyone but herself.