2nd pregnancy possibility ?


I’m 3 days late, and been experiencing nausea on and off since last Thursday pretty bad. I took a test 1day late and yesterday which was 2 days, both negative but also cheap tests. We did have sex on 2 ovulation days but my husband “pulled out”. Not that I don’t trust him to do so, I just don’t 100% trust that method. Had we had realized I was ovulating we wouldn’t have had sex. I had cramping about 5 days after we had sex which I thought could be implantation cramps. Im not sure what’s going on, I’m not on the pill anymore and I’m not stressed, so i dont know why my period hasn’t come. I just had slight brown spotting a couple hours ago and cramps off and on. My first pregnancy I tested Positive before I even missed my period so i feel like if I was pregnant I’d be testing positive by now?! Anyone else have something similar happen and either be pregnant or did end up getting your pd?