Feelings 100% Hurt

Kimberli • Mommy of a beautiful baby boy as of 02/25/2020 👶🏻🌈💛🐝

This is long and I’m so sorry..

So, I found out I was pregnant at the end of June. (June 28th to be exact💕) and at that time I had TWO of the bestest friends in the world. One of them was my friend for going on 18 years this year. Along the way around the end of August beginning of September I had a falling out with the one I was friends with for 4 years bc we were arguing (I didn’t even know it) and she decided to not tell me that she was also pregnant..I was so EXCITED about it, until it dawned on me that my own mother told me bc she saw it on Facebook. I thought about it and realized that it was her choice not to tell me and I can’t be too upset. She didn’t like how calm I was and started an argument, it led to us not talking..and still does. It STILL hurts. I however just recently found out that my best friend of 18 years has been visiting her, and I PROMISE you that doesn’t bother me bc they were also best friends..what bothers me is that throughout my entire pregnancy, the last time she saw me was August..that’s right. AUGUST. After telling me that she is always busy and can’t seem to find free time to visit..and then boom. The woman who accepted the title of Godmother hasn’t even seen her godson grow within me.. I’m actually so hurt by this bc I thought she was the only friend I had left..turns out, I’m pretty sure I have nobody other than my husband now. Which is fine. He will always have my back and I love him for that..