Sleeping issues are my fault ...

So My LO has never been a great sleeper but I think I’ve made it so much worse!!! He’s been back and forth between his crib and his bassinet beside my bed. So tonight I said there’s no excuses he’s not sick he’s not going through any leaps or anything. He can go in his crib. But now he’s in there and I feel so sad! Like I wanna look over and see him and hear his little noises. So I’m kinda thinking some of it is my fault!!! I don’t regret it or anything (even tho sometimes when he wakes every hour I’m like whyyyyy) because I love cuddling with my baby and we have a great bond. He will not need me forever so I’ll take it while it lasts. Of course I want him to learn to self sooth and all that but I loveeeee when he falls asleep on me. Any other mamas feeling the same?