Does it bother you when people cuss in front of your child?

I’m not referring to people that say one or two cuss words, I’m referring to the people that continuously cuss. My brother and his wife cuss non stop. My brother is also teaching his kids to say they’re going to “beat someone’s ass” and “what the fuck”. I don’t really want my kids around that. What they do in their own home is none of my business but I feel like they should know how to speak around other kids?

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Posted at
I clicked no before reading- I’m sort of a sailor myself but I definitely do not agree with purposefully teaching Littles to say stuff like that. And I do try to watch myself around kiddos but I’m not perfect and I slip up.


Christina • Feb 2, 2020
Uggg, hit enter instead of backspace 🙄. Doing it purposefully is kind of weird. I also accidentally learned "God damnit" from my grandma when I was 2, so we're trying to not do that with our son


Christina • Feb 2, 2020
Same. I'm trying to cut back in front of my son and was a teacher so I'm reasonably good at speaking better some other people's kids, but I don't get upset if someone slips up. My son's friend learned to call mail "crap" because that's what her dad called junk mail but he didn't do it on purpose. Doing it procedure


W🦄 • Feb 2, 2020
Too cute. 🥰


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once in front of my bfs daughter i said “fucking hell” and she was like “watch your mouth” so as long as you teach your kids the right thing they should know not to repeat that


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We don’t cuss around our kids or any kids for that matter. My husband slipped once and asked our two year old, “did you shit?” And now it’s not poop, it’s shit. “I shit and it stinks..” 🤦🏻‍♀️ we correct her every time.


Posted at
Kids cursing is funny until they’re calling you a “f*cking b*tch” for taking their toy away. My aunt thought it was SO hilarious that her daughter cursed until she started saying things like that and also would cuss out her teachers in kindergarten. It took awhile to teach her that she isn’t supposed to say those words. I do not curse at all in front of my daughter and neither does most of my family. If they do they always say “no don’t say that it’s a bad word”. I wouldn’t want to be around if they’re going to purposely teach them cuss words, it isn’t cute or funny.


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I cuss here and there around my kids but I don't use cuss words every other word 😂 but what your brother is doing I wouldn't be okay with around my kids


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It won’t bother me. My dad’s side of the family cussed around us growing up. We’ve cussed around my nieces. I don’t plan on really censoring myself around my son. As long as they don’t say the words in public or at school or something, I’m not going to stop them. There are worse things in the world than cuss words.


Posted at
Kids using curse words is a funny thing...we all try as parents to curtail language and interchange words so kids dont swear. We say "poop" instead of sh*t", "fudge" instead of "f*ck" and so on and so forth. They all inevitably end up cursing. Sometimes I feel like by making such a big deal out of the words we lend all this power and mysticism to it. At the end of the day its just a word and a form of expression that we are all guilt least most of us.One day my 2.5 year old said "what the f*ck is this". My mother tried to correct her, she made a huge deal out of not saying it and it's bad and dont do that and on and on and on. She reported it to me later that night when I picked her up. Where she heard it, who Grandma herself? Eh...So as she parroted the phrase all the way home I didnt react. Later that evening she said it with a huge smile on her face. I sat her down and did my best to explain that it's very strong language, emphasizing strong by grimacing and growling. She said "oh no. Strong" and then said "mad". She equated the phrase with being mad. She dosent say it often anymore. I think I effectively took the thrill out of it, made it not taboo...just explained it...the way I explain what and avocado is. It worked for me...just my experience.


Posted at
I'm not ok with it. Sorry but I don't want my little kid running around swearing I think it's trashy. Anyways I just make it known that I don't like that around my kid. But most people I'm around have that common sense. If you don't want to just ask him to try to chill out on swearing only when your.l child is around then you could tell your son in front of them that those words are not ok for him to use. They should hear and get the hint maybe. Those kids will have a hard time in school if they go around talking like that.


Posted at
I wouldn’t be around those people. My husband still sometimes curses in front of the kids (especially while driving) and itsso totally inappropriate. I don’t want my 3 year old going around talking like a sailor. I don’t ever curse in front of the kids and we don’t use hurtful words like “idiot, stupid, dummy”. My kids think those are bad words too! 😂😂😂 But I don’t want my kids to be the little assholes bullying or taunting others.


Posted at
I have a bit of a sailors mouth, as does my husband, but we try not to cuss continuously in front of our kids. So, no it wouldn’t bother me if someone slipped up and cussed around my kids. I definitely don’t agree with teaching your kids cuss words though.