Am i overfeeding 6 week old?

Stephanie • Married 2 years, 4 baby losses. Jun 2017, chemical. Dec 2017, missed miscarriage. Jul 2018, ectopic, lost left tube. Nov 2018, missed miscarriage.

I’ve been breastfeeding but had to start formula due to medication. Last time we were at the pediatrician he was 9 lbs so I’m assuming he’s between 9.5-10 pounds. He eats about 3 ounces every 1.5-2 hours and if he’s awake, he’ll show signs of wanting to eat again so we’ll give him 1 more ounce. I’m going to call pediatrician tomorrow as we just started completely formula feeding yesterday, but I’m curious if I’m overfeeding? But he cries and screams until we feed him.

He used to clusterfeed constantly when he was breastfed.