

I think I decided that I’m over my relationship. It’s toxic & has been for awhile. We have a 1year old & I actually think I’m pregnant again 😔 anyways, he left our apartment 3/4 days ago & when I asked him if he slept with someone else just by the way he responded didn’t seem truthful.. I then sat there & asked myself why I would want to be with a man that would sleep with someone right after we broke up (if that’s what u wanna call it) I also sent him the pregnancy test & he said for me to do whatever I want. I don’t need a man like this by my side. I’m over it. & I hope I stay over it.. I need advice on how to get into the groove of being a single mom. I’m not use to it & I still find myself asking him to come home even though he doesn’t want to.. also need to add I depend on him for our apartment rent & anything else we need. I also have no high school diploma 😐😭 ugh need some wisdom!