Rant of my life

I met my babys father when i had moved to a big city 2 years ago for my ex. Needless to say things didnt work out with my ex and me and my babys father got together....2 months in he convinced me to take out my birth control and try to have a baby and i prayed about it and decided to do it...it took about 6months for my periods to regulate but when they did it only took us one cycle to conceive....and thats when everything started to go down hill...im not saying i regret my son he is the sweatiest most amazing little boy in the world and i love him with all of me...but everything else in my life fell apart...we decided to leave the city cus it was too dangerous to raise a baby and moved to where i was from...but it was extremely racist there i found out and it wasnt a warm welcome...my own family tried to kidnap our son...we were homeless for 6 months while pregnant i couldnt find and keep a jib and we started fighting like cats abd dogs...after the kidnapping we knew we had to leave there so we went to the suburbs of the city where we met...i had hoped that this move was what we needed...but still i cant find a job he goes back and forth on weather or not hes gonna stay or go...and we still fight like cats and dogs....now im at witts end and dont know what to do....i never forseen any of this and i love this man to death....and i want him in our sons life always...i want to work and to be able to provide for our family but dont know how.....